Things I Wish I Hated
1) Mayonnaise: I must have it on any sandwhich, but it'd better be mayo and not that Miracle Whip shit, which is just nasty. I will eat a sandwich plain if all that's available is Miracle Whip. Better yet, put a jar of Duke's mayo on the table; those of you from at least a tri-state area should know what I'm talking about. I hardly know of anyone born and raised here who doesn't know to use Duke's mayo.
2) Sleeping: I could get so much more stuff done.
3) My iBook: See previous reason.
4) Shopping: My bank account would be much healthier.
5) Chicken fingers and french fries: My waistline would be much healthier.
i'm a miracle whip girl, myself. then again, i was neither born nor raised here.
well, then, I hope I didn't offend too much with the Miracle Whip comment! :)
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