Sunday, July 17, 2005

Odds and Ends for Sunday

We went to Barnes & Noble today because I needed a new journal. They have a good selection. Part of me wanted to get the large, spiral-bound pastel colored book with a Monet painting on the front. I thought maybe I'd just write poems in it when I finish them. Then I realized that I'm always editing stuff, so writing a poem in there is useless because I'll always want to go back and change it. I stuck with the same black, spiral-bound journals that I've been getting.

Danny, with his eagle eye for clearance items, pointed out the book Fiction Writer's Brainstormer. I've never seen it before, but it was only $6 - so what the heck. If anyone has read it and found it informative, feel free to let me know. I'll post my thoughts once I start reading.

I've been reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, and I have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying it. She shares some excellent advice, especially for those who are more of a novice in the writing craft. I've been writing since college, but I really haven't made a commitment to my work until now. I've been a writer at work, seen my byline and gotten a sense of pride in that, but now I'm ready to take the next step - to really concentrate on telling the stories I want to tell.


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